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Yule - Winter Solstice Loose Incense Blend

Yule - Winter Solstice Loose Incense Blend

Yule is the second stop on the Wheel of the Year, also known as the Winter Solstice. This is the shortest day of the year, all days after becoming increasingly longer. It is a time to celebrate the rebirth of the sun.


Yule reminds us of the light after dark, a time to release any struggles we've worked through during the Autumn season, and be thankful for the return of lighter and longer days.

Burning of plants, trees, and herbs has been used for many years by many different cultures as a way to clear spaces and people of negative energy. It is also commonly used in meditation and ritual, or for protection. Science has also shown that herbal smudging cleans the air of bacteria and contaminates.

The Spanish Moon Yule - Winter Solstice Loose Incense Blend is a magical combination of dried orange, hibiscus, pine, juniper  berries, cedar, cloves, star anise and cinnamon.


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